Saturday, October 28, 2017

Hi guys sorry I haven't blogged in a while

After my 3 Parts to Halloween, I will be taking a little break

Anyways, today O will be talking about the halloween bash from last night:

last night was he halloween bash and I was a 90s person and it was fun.  My friends were there.  Including Evan.  I had to work though, so that was lame.  but I didn't really do my job, so that was okay.  my bro was being crazy.  he was trying to convince people that these random football cards flying around were Pokemon cards and people were swearing at him.  but it was fun anyways!!!!

Here is the schedule & what to expect:

Monday, October 30th: (Part One) Halloween Safety

Tuesday, October 31st: (2) Pumpkin Carving, and Guide to Candy

Wednesday, November 1st (Pt. 3) How to eat all candy after halloween

also, im not sure but is Christmas music starting Nov 1st?? or is that on Black Friday????

also, here is clementine to talk about something:

hello I am clementine and I now have a blog so check it out :

ok guys se you later :D

1 comment:

Why Today Is Without A Doubt The Greatest Day Of The Year

hello all. so apparently i thought i posted this an di never did ????? heres a deleted scene i guess I welcome you to today.  August 28...