Tuesday, October 3, 2017


Helo! My siblings would like to write something:

EAT ME!!1!1!!!!!!11

Evy's wordz o' wisdm: Obvios, best disnye show is jezy

now it is mar
Today, my special little one got a haircut.  She doesn't look the best, but I like it.  It looks like this
Oops I forgit to cite my info whatever who cares  .    

After school today, I watched disney channel but didn't really watch it!1 I was too busy eating cheese and searching up fAMOUs birthdays on famous birthdays.com . I love roblox.
After that, I got into the car, and wet to Ariel yoga yay!!

This was me at yoga today:

After that, I picked up cutiepie, and I came home and watched POWERful things that distracted me.  I should be doing homework now.


  1. gdragoon for LIFE!~@@!!!!!!@21111!

  2. what's with the ravi from jesse reference also aerial yoga isn't spelled Ariel that's a disney princess but i wonder how mermaids would do yoga also your profile picture is hilarious ok bye

    1. i know, it was on purpose.

      Not all things can be explained...

  3. "watched POWERful things"
    whats so powerful that its just POWER thats amazing


Why Today Is Without A Doubt The Greatest Day Of The Year

hello all. so apparently i thought i posted this an di never did ????? heres a deleted scene i guess I welcome you to today.  August 28...