Wednesday, October 4, 2017

hi guys im at school and i think people saw what i was diong anyways i better publish fast bc i might get caught i love yall bye

Ill make  longer one tonight or maybe update this one.

Okay guys, Hello.  It's 4:04, and I am about to eat my ringpop for the first time.  I think it may be a few months old, at least 6.  I would post a picture of it, but my darn old computer won't let me.

I ate my Ring Pop, and it was fantastic.

I have a little Hug too, and i AM happy.

There's a mick ey mouse rap on disney channel right now an I am t r i g g e r d

This is me with all my food and happiness:

Someone give me ideas of what to search up I'm really bored.


Hey guys I'm here to promote a great movie watch it now or you will be grounded for 639825174925 years

watch the movie RV rite now !!!

Here is a pic of Rob Will with his amazing family with magic witchy RV

I love rapper kid he is important to me he is #1 and guess what h e  i s  i n  t h e  m o v i e ______!!!!!!

OMG BERTAM IS ON THE TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Hmmmm... RV season two??

    Bertram joke one:*shows get blake spoilers*

  2. Yesssss rapper kid for life


Why Today Is Without A Doubt The Greatest Day Of The Year

hello all. so apparently i thought i posted this an di never did ????? heres a deleted scene i guess I welcome you to today.  August 28...